Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Social Media & Televised News

In a previous blog, I spoke about the differences in the current uses of social media in Spain and in the United States. You can find the blog here: Public Relations Practice: U.S. vs. Spain . In this post, I claimed that Spain was behind in terms of social media use by public relations practitioners and businesses. However, earlier this week I realized that they were also up to date with other uses for social media. I would like to change my judgment of Spain: yes, the United States is ahead in social media use because we have more or less pioneered it, but Spain is doing an amazing job at catching up. The reason why I say this is because there are many other aspects of Spanish life that are incorporating social media that mimics a lot of what the United States is also just starting to do.

As my blog title suggests, the practice of combining social media and televised news to create a real-time open dialogue with viewers is something very fresh that isn't utilized by all news outlets. In New York City, I get all of my news from the PIX11, a channel that uses Facebook and Twitter comments from viewers both in its morning and evening news broadcasts. Often, the reporter will pose a question through the PIX11 News web page and by the end of the segment, the reporter will read off viewer responses straight from the web page. I haven't seen this used by many other news stations and it is one of the reasons why I like watching the news on this channel.

This is why it struck me when I was watching a TeleCinco news broadcast and noticed that at the end of one of their stories, the reporters began reading viewer responses from Facebook and even Twitter (the latter being a site that I first believed wasn't heavily used yet). Given that my host family only watches news on TeleCinco, I can't say for sure if other channels are using this strategy of bridging the gap between viewers and reporters, but I definitely commend TeleCinco for taking such a modern practice and applying it to its broadcasts despite social media still growing in Spain. I wouldn't be surprised if this even drives more people to sites such as Twitter just so they could feel like they are a part of the dialogue. They are using social media for the exact reason it was created, to make connections.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Prostitution: On the News and in the Streets

Now this was definitely a topic that I didn't expect myself to cover on this blog. One of the many things that I've noticed in Spain that differs greatly from the United States is the practice of prostitution and its role in politics and society. Now, unlike the United States where prostitution is taboo and is only whispered about, I've come to notice that here in Spain it is openly discussed, openly practiced, and frequently covered on the news despite how much it is frowned upon. I've noticed that it a rising topic, something that wasn't heavily discussed before but is being discussed a lot now, especially as it seems like prostitutes are beginning to seek rights under Spanish law.

The biggest difference between the two countries and prostitution is its state of legality. While in Spain it is legal and unregulated, in the United States it is completely illegal. To my understanding however, prostitution through brothels and pimping is illegal in Spain, but I'm more than sure that it continues to occur in Spain. I'm not surprised by this outstanding difference especially because of the sense of sexuality that both countries hold. Spain is very open about the human body, a result of the rapid changes that took place after Franco's reign. It is very noticeable in the immense amount of sex shops that could be found in heavily concentrated areas. For example, in Sol there is one street that has at least 4-5 sex shops within mere feet of each other. Although we do have sex shop in the United States, they would never be found in the same concentration as they are in Spain and they are also often restricted to where they could be established. Now this isn't the case for every state in the U.S., there is one state (Nevada) that allows legal, regulated brothels to exist but they are EXTREMELY rare and only allowed in half of its counties.
(The Bunny Ranch, one of the most famous American Brothels)

Even with this, prostitution is never spoken about in the news unless it is being considered a problem. A lot of this stems from the fact that sex trafficking is often caused by pimps who force and trick girls into prostitution. It has gathered a very bad stigma due to the traumatic experiences that these women face. Movements are being done by groups such as GEMS to help woman get out of prostitution and seek protection from the men who have abused them and forced them into the lifestyle. This is a stark contrast from what is happening in Spain, as prostitutes are trying to make a splash in politics by demanding they receive rights. Not everyone in Spain agrees with this, and more often then not the coverage on the news is based on the debate on whether the practice of prostitution should continued to be allowed in Spain or banned completely. Today I saw coverage that seemed to support it a little as it featured Europeans from other countries who take part in "sex tourism," a term used to describe traveling to a different country in order to partake in purchasing sex. Many of these people, mostly young men, travel to Spain and take advantage of the fact that it isn't necessarily illegal. I'm not sure if this is looked at in a positive light, but the news seemed to be given a fair look at the negatives and the "positives" of prostitution in Spain.

I also had the opportunity to travel to Amsterdam and witness prostitution in full legality. It was definitely an eye-opener walking in the Red Light District as women stood half-naked in windows, beckoning men over to have sex with them. I have never seen that in my life and I almost felt like it was something I shouldn't have been watching, but couldn't stop looking at because of how open everyone was about it. I don't think Spain will head in this direction (and believe me I would be surprised if it did), but I also don't see it becoming outlawed. As I stated before, Spain has a completely different perception on the practice and I don't believe Spain is plagued by the same problems that the United States is when it comes to sex trafficking.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Nomophobia: Spain vs. The United States

Nomophobia (no-mobile-phone phobia): the fear of being out of mobile phone contact.

Now this term was surprising to learn about while out in Spain. I was watching the news during dinner the other day when they began a report about a new phobia that is spreading around Spain. Apparently this is something that is widespread in Spain, where people (especially the younger generations) are becoming hooked to their mobile phones. As Nomophobia is diagnosed by my internet sources, people who suffer from it may experience a large amount of anxiety when they lose their mobile phone, run out of battery or credit, or have no network coverage. The report stated that many people use connection with family or work as a reason why they develop the Nomophobia, but some scientist state that this might be a normal anxiety and not an anxiety created out of the fear of not being connected to the rest of the world.

I found it very interesting to see this in Spain because it is a phenomenon that people in the States experience as well. It is impossible to find somebody who doesn't have a phone and at the same time, impossible to find a person that doesn't have to be on their phone at least every hour of the day to stay updated with what's going on. I'm not sure how advanced the smart phones are here or if they are a prevalent type of phone, but in the United States almost everyone's phone is capable of: accessing the internet, having unlimited text messages, syncing email accounts to be received on the phone, has a well developed calendar that comes with alarms and is capable of syncing all their social media accounts to the phone so that it could be used just as easily as if it was from a computer. It comes to a point where a person's entire life becomes centered around this device because they've grown to be able to contain almost as much information as a computer. Many people have coined nicknames for phones like "crackberries," which are meant to play on the fact that people become so involved with their phones that it almost acts like a drug and causes withdrawal when a person hasn't been around their phone for too long.

Now I don't want to think that people are specifically obsessing over the phone, but I think the fear is centered more around the lack of connectivity. After being able to have access readily available to you at all times, to have it ripped away from you in an instant is a means for causing anxiety. Also, you have to factor in that many of these smart phones could cost a lot of money, so there is not only a lost of connectivity but also a feeling of the loss of worth/value. Many of these things can factor into why people fear not having their phone. I think it goes deeper than just the phone. I myself can admit that I have a slight addiction to my phone, but it is more because it is my main method of contact with people, whether it be business or personal, and if I were to lose it there is the possibility that I can miss out on something important.

I have to admit, I find it hilarious that even though both countries are in completely different settings and obviously have completely different cultures, they still manage to be plagued by this "fear." I feel like this is an understandable occurrence given that the world in general is becoming more mobile and internet friendly. Although I believe the United States has become more assimilated with the internet in where it is a factor of our lives, Spain still has some ways to go before nomophobia becomes as big as it is in the States. I guess there's just some things that not even culture and distance can change! I couldn't find the Telecinco coverage, but I found some coverage in the U.S done by CBS in 2008 that could shed light to this fear:

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Public Relations Practice: U.S. vs. Spain

So I'm a little excited about this post simply because it centers in on my major and once of the strongest tools we utilize as practitioners: Social Media. I was browsing through my Twitter timeline the other day when I stumbled upon an article tweeted by the EdelmanDigital account. It compared how social media is used by public relations firms in both countries to try and determine if there is a big difference or not:

From Madrid to Silicon Valley: Thoughts on the Role of Social Networks and the Changing Media Landscape

Now the most interesting aspect I found about the article is that there isn't a huge difference between how social media is used in either country which I think is amazing. Since my time here I've realized that social media isn't used as much as it is in America, especially since Spaniards normally utilize sites like Tuenti which don't exist in the states, but in the professional realm things work relatively the same. However what is strikingly relevant is that journalist and news sources haven't caught up to the social media movement in Spain. While Spanish journalists seem to be focusing on establishing their online presence, journalist in America openly use the internet as a source of news and are even open to receiving news pitches through social media. I remember discussing in our last class that Spanish businesses and journalist are still trying to learn how to adjust to the new use of the internet as a source of information, well they should look no further than their American counterparts! This however can't be done without one important aspect: Twitter.

If there is one thing I've noticed about Spain, it is that Twitter has still not become a mainstream site for everyday Spaniards like Facebook has. To begin with Facebook isn't as actively used (once again, because of Tuenti), but it is still a prominent website in the country. Twitter on the other hand is something that Spanish businesses know about, but not the everyday consumer. What use is there for a company to have a Twitter account if the consumers they are trying to appeal to don't have accounts to interact with them. I've mentioned the website to a couple of Spaniards I have met and most of the time I'm met with a blank stare or I'm told they've heard about it but don't feel like getting one because they don't know enough. I definitely think if businesses want to make a big move, they need to start finding a way to put their twitter accounts out there and make it appealing. Host a contest of some sort so people could be drawn to the website. Afterwards they might get the hang of twitter and even start the one-on-one communication that makes Twitter such a valuable tool.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Outdoor Advertising in Madrid

I've expressed many different times on this blog that the media in Spain is very different compared to the media in the States. This usually pertains to the content of the media as Spain seems to be more lenient about what is put in public for everyone to see, but the difference also go into how the media is advertised. One interesting aspect of advertisement here in Madrid I have come to notice is the use of outdoor advertisements. The way Madrid uses its outdoor space is very different compared to how it is used in America.

Here in Madrid, I've noticed that billboards are not as common as they are in America. Most of the time if you drive on the highway or are in a big city, buildings are covered with advertisements or huge rectangular displays for different advertisements. I've also noted a heavy use of fliers for musicals or theatre performances, which is not surprising given that those seem to be more popular here then they are in the states.The same is done in NYC, however it is't done as much as I've noticed here. One of the biggest differences I have noticed is the use of advertisements on the corner of streets. Rather than have a lot of advertisements in other places they are generally concentrated on display boards that could hold advertisements on either side. I've also noticed that the metro holds two different types of advertisements, either posters in the halls of the metro or huge displays in the tunnels. The tunnel advertisements are the most interesting as they curve along with the curves of the tunnels. I haven't noticed how often these are changed but I figure it isn't a lot given how difficult it must be to put them up. I've also noticed big advertisement displays on buildings, very similar to how they are done in NYC. Below you'll find a photo of one of these advertisements that is currently near the school:

This ad resembles the type of advertisement that might be seen in Manhattan. However what you'll also notice in the photo is that the taxi's in Madrid are free of ads. In fact, almost all methods of public transportation (besides the Metro) have no advertisements at all. In NYC and other states it is very common to use the lights on taxi hoods or the sides and backs of buses as ad space. This is done because NYC thrives on the public transportation system and is virtually inescapable. It surprises me that this hasn't been done in Madrid because it also seems to rely heavily on public transportation as opposed to driving. I'm sure if Madrid was to implement this, there would be a great increase in the effectiveness of ads, however I do appreciate that Madrid isn't overtaken by advertisements as NYC is. I feel like ads are barely used in Madrid and if they are, they aren't as effective as they might be in the States.

Thanksgiving! Spain-style?

One of my favorite holidays out the entire year is Thanksgiving. It's the one time that the majority of my family gets together it somebody's home and has a FEAST. Every year we have our staple foods that we can't go a Thanksgiving without having and not having turkey on that day is considered a sin for us.  I'm actually very sad that I'm going to be missing it this year because it will be the very first Thanksgiving that I'm spending without my immediate family. Along with Independence Day, Christmas, and New Years, it is one of the biggest holidays celebrated in America. This brings me to think though, why don't Spaniards celebrate Thanksgiving? Spaniards have picked up other customs from American culture such as Halloween and celebrate other fall/winter holidays like Christmas, so why not throw in Thanksgiving as well? Many of my Spanish classes have translated Thanksgiving Day into "El Dia de Accion De Gracias," but it seems to be a day that is only celebrated in countries closer to America rather than countries in Europe.

This fact doesn't surprise me at all. If you look into the history behind the day you will discover that Thanksgiving is a very American holiday, based off the story of the interaction between the Pilgrims from Europe and the Native Americans from America. The Pilgrims were accustomed to a tradition of having a big feast in order to give thanks to God for the outcome of large events (winning a war, a safe travel, a good harvest, etc.). Coincidentally, the Native Americans (of the Wampanoag tribe) also celebrated with a big feast after their harvest season. This shared tradition resulted in a big feasts where the Native Americans and Pilgrims would eat together, sharing the staple foods of their respective culture such as: fish, fruits, vegetables, beans, corn, and fowl (duck, geese, or turkey). Over time, turkey quickly became the featured food for Thanksgiving and has been so embedded into the holiday that Thanksgiving is often referred to as Turkey Day. There is even a huge parade in NYC held by Macy's that many people travel to see because of the elaborate floats and balloons that are created for it. Many celebrities also take the chance to appear or perform for spectators. Below you'll find a clip of last year's parade:

For the Spanish to celebrate such a holiday that is so tightly wrapped around the foundation of the nation and was officially made an annual holiday after important American events (The Revolutionary War, The Civil War, etc.), would definitely be weird. Halloween is a more understandable holiday because it is universal. Everyone can enjoy getting dressed and eating candy without needing to know the history of its origins. Thanksgiving on the other hand is based off the pride of the nation and its personal history. There is the possibility that Thanksgiving could be adopted as another holiday in Spain and rather than focus on the history aspect, they could focus on the concept of giving thanks. I think that would be great because even in America not many people focus on the story of Thanksgiving but use it more as a reason to reconnect with your family and give thanks for the year's blessings. I find this highly unlikely because I am sure Spaniards have some sort of similar holiday given that the country has many celebrations that we don't recognize in the States.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Packaging Analysis: Deodorant

I’ve decided to focus my analysis on one of the products that has personally affected me the most since I have been in Spain. A lot of the product packaging in Spain resembles the packaging in parts of the Caribbean and Latin America, but one difference that I have noticed are the product quantities that are given per unit. This became unbearably obvious to me when I ran out of deodorant and had to replace it with deodorant from Spain. The deodorant that will be serving as my example will be the Adidas 3 Action Intensive deodorant, which I will compare with my Degree for Men Deodorant from the United States.

The most striking difference between the two deodorants is their sizes. The Adidas deodorants from Spain, and all deodorant in Spain for that matter, are extremely small in comparison to American deodorants. The deodorant in Spain holds about 55g while American deodorants hold around 76g. This is a considerable difference in the amount being offered. Another major difference is the type of substance the deodorant comes in. In America, it is customary for roll-on deodorants to be given in stick form, meaning the deodorant material is hard and is rubbed off on a person’s body. However in Spain, the only roll on deodorant I could find offered the deodorant as a liquid and uses a rolling ball mechanism that puts the liquid on the body. I have seen this done before in the U.S., but it is very uncommon and usually utilized by cheaper brands of deodorant. All of these differences amount to a shorter period of use. The stick method used by American deodorants allows the material to last longer while the liquid method causes it to come out too much or rub off easily on clothes, requiring repeated use. What I find interesting about the Spain deodorant is that it is round and the sides of the packaging resembles grips found on most sports utensils. This is something not seen on American deodorants because the size is bigger, making it easier to grip than the smaller deodorants in Spain. I’m sure the grips are meant not only to resemble sports material, but also to grip the deodorant as you apply it.
Despite these differences, there are also a couple of similarities. Given that both deodorants target men and are specialized for athletes, they utilize very dark colors. While the Spain deodorant I purchased is black, it also uses silver and a dark shade of orange to portray that it is meant for men (women deodorants are usually in lighter colors like white and pink). The American deodorants tend to use colors such as dark blue and green, but the use of silver is very common. The advertising on the products is also very similar. Both packages use terms such as “quick dry,” “24 hour anti-perspirant,” and product names such as “Intensive,” “Sport,” and “Adventure” to convey that they should be used by those who live a very active lifestyle. I was honestly surprised that many of the deodorants I found in Spain had English text on them. There seemed to be an absence of original Spanish products with Spanish text on them, as if all of the deodorants come from foreign companies. This was even visible in the women deodorants, which were usually manufactured by Dove. I would think that given that these deodorants are from foreign markets they would perhaps resemble them, but I could only assume that this style of deodorant is more popular in Spain than it is in America.
After analyzing the deodorants in Spain I’ve begun to think harder about advertising in Spain and what is considered ad-worthy. Deodorants are often advertised heavily in the U.S., but here in Spain not only are the products smaller, but the advertisement towards it seems to be minimal to non-existent. I find this interesting because in the U.S. it is normal to advertise products such as deodorants, toothbrushes, etc. I now want to focus to see if product advertisement has an impact on product packaging. It’s a relation I have never made a connection to before, but I wonder if the same happens in the U.S.